(+63-2) 818-7911 fame@amchamphilippines.com

Board of Trustees

Honorary Chairman

MaryKay Carlson
U.S. Ambassador to the Philippines

Board of Trustees
Year 2024

President Lt. Col. Artemio Matibag
Vice President Ebb Hinchliffe
Treasurer Miguel Angelo Villa-Real
Corporate Secretary Atty. Jacqueline Laurel

Ebb Hinchliffe
Prof. Ricardo Jose
Karl Fredrick Leung

Advisory Council

Elsa Gines
Robert Hudson
Aaron Key
Leslie Murray

Steve Gibson


Helena C. Benitez †
Mathew Holiday †
Alex Keller †
Louis Pritchett
Atty. William H. Quasha †

Col. Edwin P. Ramsey †
Col. Lee A. Telesco †

Legend: † Deceased

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