What is FAME?
The Filipino-American Memorial Endowment Incorporated (FAME) is a non-stock, non-profit foundation established in the Philippines and the United States by business executives and veterans. Founded in 1986 under the auspices of the American Chamber of Commerce of the Philippines, Inc. FAME, Inc is solely supported by donations with an all-volunteer Board and Advisory Councils.
FAME‘s mission is to help preserve and maintain tangible reminders of the shared values for which Americans, Filipinos and their allies fought side-by-side in World War II.
We are in contact with a large network of veterans organizations and former POW’s (individuals and organizations) who provide a variety of information dissemination and exchange, enabling us to assist interested parties to trace whereabouts of individuals (e.g.,MIA’s) or events of WWII.
We are a non-profit organization with limited staff therefore we ask that a donation be made to FAME to cover expenses for any such services involving research, documentation, mailing services and other incidentals.
Click A Project To Learn More
Complete Philippine Scouts Roster – Alphabetical
Robert Hudson, FAME VP, has provided us with another great file full of information for research. This time, it's a roster of Philippine Scouts in alphabetical order. The link to the PDF file is below. This PDF has been optimized to permit you to use search (Ctrl-F)...
Rosters Updated
A quick note that the COMPLETE BILIBID ROSTER and BILIBID LIBERATION ROSTER both have been updated by Bob Hudson and posted online. You can find the updated COMPLETE BILIBID ROSTER here. Youn can find the updated BILIBID LIBERATION ROSTER here.
Road Work Destroys Death March Markers
Yesterday, Rosalie and I made a trip to Angeles City to have lunch with a good friend, Robert Lucke. Our trip was also to scout the Death March Markers between Dinalupihan, Bataan and the Train Station in San Fernando where the longest leg of the Death March ended. We...
Research News
UPDATED 11/7/15: Complete Bilibid Roster
This content is COPYRIGHT 2015 by Robert Hudson -- not to be reproduced in whole or in part without permission. All rights reserved. [iframe src="https://onedrive.live.com/embed?cid=BA8DF9397916A026&resid=BA8DF9397916A026%21586992&authkey=AILhDGlwQ6jSixo"...
UPDATED 11/7/15: Bilibid Liberation Roster
This information is COPYRIGHT 2015 - ROBERT HUDSON -- ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Not to be used in whole or in part without permission. [iframe src="https://onedrive.live.com/embed?cid=BA8DF9397916A026&resid=BA8DF9397916A026%21586991&authkey=AFQXtNSYCS2ZU9o"...
Cabantuan Barracks Roster – Building 13
Remember Bataan! The further we travel into the future, the more important the past becomes. Let’s not repeat the mistakes, or forget our heroes.
Supporting FAME allows me to pay respect to my grandfather and uncles who fought and died in WWII.
FAME is a valuable resource for researchers in topics such as World War II and the role the Philippines played in that war.
The combination of this incredible paradise and these moving memorials helps me more fully appreciate the struggles to make the Philippines the vibrant country it is today!
Need additional information?
Want to report a problem with a memorial? Please use this form.
Thank you for your comments and suggestions, as well.
NOTE: Unfortunately, we do not have the resources to research military records. We recommend reaching out to the Philippine Scouts Heritage Society. You can find them on Facebook at: https://www.facebook.com/groups/117885454917949/